I debated putting this post up, just because it’s later than I usually like to post. Yesterday, I worked, went swimming, went to dinner, came home and did homework & then passed the heck out. No time for writing blog posts. But, not to worry amigos (well more likely amigas – pretty sure my readership is mostly females) here is a confession laden post for you. Enjoy!
Confession… I am not a good swimmer. This I already knew. Part of the reason I signed up for a tri was to push myself to become a better swimmer. I know how to swim well enough not to drown, and that’s pretty much it. I’m looking forward to learning some of the strokes, and also how to breathe during the strokes without inhaling a bunch of water (….like last night. ANYWAY.)

I posted this on Instagram and also sent it to MamaSica. She sent me back a lot of “hahas” so I think she appreciated it!
Swimming caps are not fun. I do not like them. Goggles however are quite nice, and I like being able to see underneath the water.
Confession… I miss my sister. I didn’t realize (well I knew, but maybe I just never paid that much attention to it) how much I talk to her throughout the day, even if it’s just a quick text message. Her being out of connection most of the week whomps. Looking forward to chatting with her this weekend!
Confessions… I worry I’ll never be as brave as The Peach (my sister.) She headed off, not knowing anywhere there or in her program. She’s so brave. Like The Brave Little Toaster!

The part with the air conditioner in the beginning used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. (Source)
Confession… I always want to wear red lipstick, and always see other people rocking it, but I’m always worried that I can’t. Christine’s post today made me think of this because she looks rockin’ with it on, and I always worry I’ll look like a clown.
I polled you all about this in December I think via Instagram with this picture, wore it out and felt SUPER uncomfortable and clown like. And then it wore off so all was dandy.
Confession… I can’t decide what I want to do for my birthday. I’m thinking dinner/going out, but part of me wants to do something CRAY. Give me your ideas so I can pass them off as my own. Kay thanks!
Confession… I have so many post ideas, and none of them written yet. Hopefully I can work on that this weekend, since my homework is already done. (WHOOP!)
Confession… Speaking of homework, I can already tell this is going to be one of my hardest terms. I’m VERY interested in the classes, but it’s going to be a lot of work. I’m getting deeper into the core work for my program, so it’s no surprise they’re getting harder. I’m ready for it, throw it at me bro. (J/K, please don’t.)
Confession… I already can’t for Brynlee’s 1st birthday party next month. Crazy Auntie alert! Girlfriend is a vampire though. It is NOT nice to bite your Aunt Linny, sista. No more presents for you. Just kidding, I’ll keep showering you with love and presents. Side note: My mom says it’s karma because I used to bite my little brother? I have no idea what she’s talking about
Confession… There’s too many selfies in this post always on this blog. #butfirstletmetakeaselfie. Confession... I’m shamelessly obsessed with that song.
Confession… I am also obsessed with this song. I’m trying to learn all the words so I can belt it out. Let me know if you’d like a vlog with me singing it here on Lindsay Weighs In
Confession… Is it June yet? I CANNOT wait for Blend, and keep getting more excited (though I didn’t know that was possible) each time I talk to the girls, or we make more plans! I’m so excited to meet you all that will be there! I’m warning you now, I’m a hugger.
Confession… Cori is doing this, and I had been thinking about doing it too. Apparently I borrow steal all my best ideas from Cori. Hi pretty lady! Would you all be interested in an “Ask Me Anything” post? Are there any burning questions you’d like to know? (Probably not because I overshare too much here.)
Confession… I keep trying to come up with a way to get my PT to take a picture of me there for you all for the comedy factor, doing an exercise. Particularly crab-walk (not it’s real name, I give them fun names so I hate doing them less.) I also do crab-walk sits, butt squeezes, pant lifters and stupid hip rises. Do you think if I told him it was for my blog he would judge me? (Yes.)

I’m apparently not above taking pictures of my icing though AT physical therapy. (And whinning and talking about hobbits in the caption.)
I need to be better about taking pictures that I don’t also post on Instagram. Sorry ya’ll. I’ll take them with my NEW PHONE. 5S baby! The fingerprint unlocking makes me way happier than it probably should. It’s the little things right?
Of course, I’m also linking up with that beautiful Canadian Amanda for Thinking Out Loud today, because I’m all about thinking out loud and confessing with you all on Thursdays. Make it a great day, America Lindsay Weighs In Readers! (Did anyone catch my GMA reference? No one? It’s cool.)
Confess something with me, guys! It will make you feel better.
Can you rock red lipstick? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!!